Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Advertising & Public Relations; Sales Promotion & Personal Selling

The popularity of Ebay has spread due to the fact that they had an array of mediums for exposure instead of just utilizing the internet as a means to attract potential buyers and sellers. Television, was and still is, an excellent venue to advertise a business or product. They incorporated fantasy and humor into almost all of their television ads to portray that bidding is not just an excellent way to receive a major discount for shopping on Ebay, but it is also fun at the same time. 

As another form of advertisement, Ebay also held promotions through Groupon.com, a website where you can find coupons for discounts half off for your favorite neighborhood venues, stores, or service salons. What the promotion was for $7 for a $15 gift certificate on Ebay. Also, there are a host of others sites where you can receive discounts on Ebay purchases, and the site is not just for Ebay, it's for a host of other online shopping sites too. If you would like to receive the link for the websites just email me at: allysiagarcia@hotmail.com. In turn I will send you a link for 3 websites, just make sure that you sign up. Thank you!

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